"God gives every bird his worm but He does not throw it into the nest"

Yes, the bird flies and search by itself.

God gives us our 'worms'. But He does not throw them into our 'nest'.

You see.

Alhamdulillah. Being a moslem is a great rohmat and qurniya that we realised our true obligations on earth. Who else can ensure such a wonderful and satisfying life than the one led by a moslem? Allah has given us Al Quran and Muhammad PBUH has left us his sunnah that if we strongly hold to these two, our dreamed jannah in akhiroh are guaranteed, inshaAllah.

Thus my brothers and sisters,

Go and find your worms! Work hard for akhiroh but never leave dunya behind as the dunya is the tool for us to grab the jannah that we longed for.

Assalamua'alaykum wrt. =)

Cahaya Kalimah

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami,
Kami bersyukur kepada Mu
kerana telah memilih kami
Memahami tugas dan tanggungjawab
dakwah ini

Maka kami berikrar untuk:

iltizam untuk bersatu hati dalam
menegakkan amanah da'wahMu

Bersungguh-sungguh bekerja
semampu kami berdakwah kpdMu

Berterusan meningkatkan diri
menerusi sistem tarbiyah ini

Demi mencapai keridhoanMu

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Cahaya Muqadimah

"Katakanlah, 'inilah jalanku. Aku dan orang-orang yang mengikutiku mengajak kepada Allah dengan hujjah yang nyata'." (Yusuf: 108)