i have never planned and dreamed to go to australia, never ever...but i can never stop His plans. Above all, He is the best planner.
i might not like aussie but i think she likes me. Now learn to love what you have and what you get... being grateful will ensure a happier life,i would say...alhamdulillah...can't wait to be called as akhawat OZ...hehe
University of Newcastle nih terletak di Newcastle dekat New South Wales,Australia...dia ade 2 primary campus which are Callaghan and City Precinct...yang saya inshaAllah nak pi ni dekat Callaghan haa.Callaghan ni adelah one of the most naturally beautiful campusses kat australia ni haa.(alaa...semue orang pun nak puji uni memasing kan..bagi la can kat i...hehe)
Haa...ini medical science punye building...kat Faculty of Health...nanti saye akan blaja kat School of Medicine and Public Health dekat faculty ni la...scary juge bile baca blog sisters kat Newcastle ni bile diorang cerite kesusahan blaja kat cni(mungkin kat semua tmpat pun ade kesusahan memasing kann..) and ade juga cerita2 tentang ape yang diorang blaja...fuh...very chalenging woo medic ni..Moga Allah guide us along the way and hopefully dapat sukses since the very first semester..ameen..
Haa...yang bestnye...die dekat jugak la dengan pepantai nan indah....(erm...sbnanye dah borink dgn pantai...kampung dekat penang,hari2 pun boleh pi Miami Beach kat penang tu...Batu Feringgi tu da borink tgk muka saya..hehe)...Mengikut statistik pula...mean max temperature kat Newcastle ni is 23 °C and mean min temperature is 12.4 °C...basically..hmm tak as sejuk as Newcastle kat UK tu la obviously tapi beautifully match la dengan saya yang kalo sejuk sangat nanti cepat sakit perut(selalu jugak sakit perut bile nervous...hehe...tak tau la sakit ape ni..hehe)...alhamdulillah..Allah sangat tahu la kan what's best for us...
Macam Hogwarts pun ade...hehe...
Haa..tu la cenonet kisah tentang university of newcastle yang bakal menjadi my next destination inshaAllah...terngiang-ngiang lagi saat interview dengan Dr Ben Walker and Dr Andra Dabso tu...ish..hehe...thanks to them for being so friendly..(cey...dan dan puji..hehe)
Alhamdulillah..dulu2 teringin sangat nak pi UK...bile keluar list dari Pn Sharifah tengok2 dapat bound ireland, terus nangis2....sedih sangat la mase tu sbb nak sgt pegi UK..mmg mase sem 2 tu nak score sgt tu sbb nak pegi UK...tapi siape sangka...Miracle nye takdir Allah..UK pun tak pi,Ireland pon tak pi,tengok2 pi Aussie...MashaAllah...beautiful!Kan?
Apa yg penting, kat mana tercampak pun, kena jelas matlamat..hidup mesti mau objective-oriented...kite semua kena really make full use of masa yang still ada ni untuk prepare diri sebaik2 yang mungkin,prepare faith kite, prepare soul kite mesti mau highly motivated punye for life after this will be much tougher...tak kisah la medicine or engine or actuary or etc...yang penting kite buat yang paling baik yang mampu kite perform...semua tu untuk Allah, surely He'll guide us through everything..blaja ni pun solely nak gain pahala and redha dari Allah anyway...bile kite ridho dgn Allah beerti inshaAllah ridho Allah bersama kita..kan?
Ape2 pun! Selamat Berjaya to all my friends yang nak fly and dah fly, takkisah la dari KMB ke, KYUEM ke, KMS ke, INTEC ke...what a wonderful opportunity Allah da bagi kat kita so grab the chance dude! Give thanks to Allah!
To Newcastle...
sy akan melawat awak nnt!
erk....leeds sebelah newcastle ke?huahuahua
mimi...walopun tepisah 2 benua...saye takkan lupekan awak lia...hehe
chaiyok mimi! harimau mengaumm!=)
paa congratz!!!!
Allah sebaik2 perancang, dan kita sebagai hamba kena mencari hikmah di setiap susunan Allah.
all da best kayh!!
doakan kami=)
tenkiu huda...inshaAllah..
paa yakin dan pasti Allah sdg merancang yg terbaek utk kite semue...
jgn berhenti berdoa Huda...Allah sedang mendengar...
=P good luck dear!=)
salaam Najwa,
ahlan wa sahlan :)
insyaAllah takkan rasa rugi dtg sini. sisters Nc semua baik2.
if need anything or nak tanye ape2 just emel je. insyaAllah akan dilayan sebaik mungkin.
salaam Ramadhan kareem~
p/s: qasryna tu author nickname. nama akak sebenarnya hidayah :)
salam kak hidayah,
asif..xtau plak akak gune author nickname..hehe
alhamdulillah...sgt gembira n x sbr nak jumpe sisters Nc sume nnt..biiznillah
salam ramadhan juge...=)
hoho...walaupun celoteh ni cenonet, tapi takde la cenonet sgt..hahaha
nway, glad to know that u're so positive with ur future..inshaAllah, only god knows what is in the future..
dont worry about the failures, worry about the chances that we miss if we dont seize the day! =)
that is soooo right elbaeraqy...
mashaAllah...cantik sangat kan Allah designs our destiny...everything is so unexpected...
Allah suke bagi surprise...alhamdulillah...
think positive!act positive!
p/s:ade kedai mamak x kat newcastle..=P
..sorry naik lorry cik nawwar, xde kedai mamak dkat newcastle..hanya di UK je.tau =P hehe
pa'a..asma' pnah igt..pa'a pnah kata cam nak gi aussie..hehe..HE knows better. All d best farah najwa..
teruskan ngauman anda..heh..sy pon nak ikot mimy melawat anda nnt! bila pa'a nk fly bgtau ek..stay keep in touch! =D
p/s: best ke kdai mamak? masak sendri lg best =P hahaha~
assalamualaikum bakal akhowat OZ..insyaallah..ehehe
Alhamdulillah!!pernantian psai uni ang akirnya trjawab..ConGRATSS my dear~~~bleh laa p join k.aisyah sukimin p mengaum kt sna nnt..hihi..harimau2 dh meula nk bertebaran di seluruh pelusuk donyaaa!
video harimau dh siap..cekkout kt my youtube Adibmoonymoon..rindu2 kt kmi bleh tngok..
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