I need the second drift!!

It's typical for a student to get busy and have no time for her own self. Agree?

Yes, i agree.

It's typical to suddenly feel like you cannot do something and you just pissed off by the fact that everyone else is doing the thing that you can't do. And you just realise that it wasn't that you can't do it. It's just that your mind is worrying too much and you end up not doing anything.Agree?

Hmm... i would say... yes, i agree. huhh..what a life?

You see, the biggest battle is to battle against your own self. Your own emotion and feelings are the biggest challenge. The most crucial thing right now is to stay focus and to know what should and should not be done.

Heading towards the end of semester 3, alhamdulillah we are all still in the long run and hopefully no one will get injured and stop running.

Dont focus to the problem, focus to the solution.

Life demanded us to keep learning and not to be perfect. So mistakes should be seen as an entrance to learning.

Rather than being tired because of worrying too much, dont you think it's better to be tired because of working so hard?

InsyaAllah, people,
we'll get through this.
and we'll get through this IB programme.
And we'll get through this life
As long as we have the blessings from Allah,
we'll meet the final line. Everyone will, InsyaAllah.
we'll be there.=)


Zulfiqri Zaroni November 1, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

salam farah najwa..
selamat berjaya dalam apa2 yang nak dituju..
semoga jalan yang kamu teroka bakalan mendapat hidayah dan inayahNya..
Salam Ziarah dari PMC

Cahaya Kalimah

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami,
Kami bersyukur kepada Mu
kerana telah memilih kami
Memahami tugas dan tanggungjawab
dakwah ini

Maka kami berikrar untuk:

iltizam untuk bersatu hati dalam
menegakkan amanah da'wahMu

Bersungguh-sungguh bekerja
semampu kami berdakwah kpdMu

Berterusan meningkatkan diri
menerusi sistem tarbiyah ini

Demi mencapai keridhoanMu

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"Katakanlah, 'inilah jalanku. Aku dan orang-orang yang mengikutiku mengajak kepada Allah dengan hujjah yang nyata'." (Yusuf: 108)